Front Page TelephonePad

A variation of TheScholarsGame which reduces the number of turns from 26 (A-Z) to 8 by having multiple letters available in each turn.

For Telephone Pad, the Main Entry letters are divided into 8 turns:

  1. ABC
  2. DEF
  3. GHI
  4. JKL
  5. MNO
  6. PQRS
  7. TUV
  8. WXYZ

Each player chooses a letter within the current turn's set. The game may have more than one entry corresponding to a given letter, and is not required to have an entry for every letter.

When applying the AbcRules for citing other entries: The first turn, players only refer to prospective entries. The last turn, players only refer to previous entries in their Main Entry pages or footnotes.


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(last edited August 18, 2014)
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