Front Page (LogoBoy) December2004

December begins in our still-new apartment in Tiburon, with a clear, cold morning. The garden is still semi-alive, even cherry tomatoes trying to ripen (but not getting very far in the shady northeast patio).

December 3rd was an early Christmas get-together at PapaEd and Nonna's house.

December 20th: Jeff, Melissa, and Eiche go to a solstice bonfire at OceanBeach.

December 24th: Christmas Eve. AuntieDar helps make Christmas possible by watching Eiche while Mom and Dad run around doing final preparations and shopping. We get a BIG christmas tree that needs to be trimmed to fit under the ceiling, delivered by a man from Tasmania.

December 25th: Christmas Day. Presents under the tree at home, and dinner at Jeff's grandmother and aunt's house in Alameda, with Eiche's Grandma Joan and Toby visiting from Seattle.

December 26th, Jeff and Eiche went hiking at TennesseeValley in the Marin Headlands. We saw a bobcat and got a picture taken by a newspaper photographer from the Marin Independent Journal (IJ). JeffAndEicheByNinaZhito shows us, TennesseeValleyMap shows the trail with a pointer to where we saw the bobcat.

December 27th begins a predicted week (?) of rain. Overnight is very rainy. The last rainstorm, there was leakage into the closets in the front bedroom. No leaks this time, as far as we can tell!

Bit by bit, many of the ornaments on the tree migrate up over 4 feet high. Eiche says several times, as he hands us ornaments he's pulled off, "Put this up where I can't reach it."

GrandmaJoan and GrandpaToby come over to visit after Christmas and see our new apartment.

EichesJournal November2004 January2005
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This page last edited January 9, 2005
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