Front Page SodaDeeps

The Soda Deeps is a joke for most but for us Selkie it also holds a rage and a sadness.

This bit of water off the JellicalCoast was unremarkable until our Queen Venther held off the TyrantKnights there. She promised them to undo us and at the last moment changed her mind.

She held them off herself she did. She called upon the rage of the ocean and it turned red with Tyrant blood. But they were too many, she was lanced from all sides and torn asunder.

Her magic infuses the waters to this day. It still bubbles and it does smell foul. It's often used for a lark, many dry landers ignorant of its significance. They are blameless in this for we rarely talk of the Queen and sometimes, when we do, we crack jokes about her.

Very few know what specifically causes this Deeps' odd behavior. I assure you, those that do find it hilarious.

Have you ever heard a pirate laugh dearies?

--by GithsemeTyar

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(last edited September 19, 2014)
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