Front Page CourtCategory

Main Entry Categories for DeepCourtAndHighCourt, and some notional and real entry titles to give a sense on what might belong in that category:

  1. People CourtCategoryPeople -- WyvernKnights, MyriapodiaPeople, SelkieKingProteus.
  2. Places CourtCategoryPlace -- AbyssalDeep, DryGarden, MountBlitzen, ShipwreckCoast.
  3. Events CourtCategoryEvent -- OpeningOfTheDoors?, GreatUmbralStorm, StairRatInvasion
  4. Objects, Ideas, Abstracts CourtCategoryOther -- WaterBreathingAdaptation, HarmonyPilgrimage, LightningHammer, LevitationGas, GreatPowerBalance.

At the finish of the game, each CourtCategory page lists the CourtEntry pages for its category.

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(last edited September 27, 2014)
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