Front Page AbyssalDeep

The Abyssal Deep is, in my understanding, no fit place for man, beast, or any creature, native of water or air. Yet it figures large in the mind of the dwellers of the DeepCourt, for the Court perches upon its edge.

Near lightless, the only things discernible being the rare glowing denizens, with the weight of miles of ocean upon you. Yet I have once descended as a gentleman's gentleman, to attend my lord.

It was a curious thing, a wedding conducted on a dark rock shelf upon an undersea cliff, precipices above and below. The principals were two of the Myriapodia, proud and beautiful in their own fashion. After promises from the couple and words of blessing from the officiant, the priests, or perhaps they were wizards, made a low, loud, rhythmic summons that echoed through the depths. A giant tentacled monster rose from the abyss and seized the happy couple, pulling them abruptly downward. Yet the wedding party was not dismayed, but continued the rhythmic sounds, and eventually the wedded pair were returned gently to the ledge. This whole operation was a challenge to my composure, and my refuge in this case was to attend strictly to my master's needs.

I was given to understand that the great tentacled monster was in the way of a patron or totem of the Myriapodia, and in some special circumstances, would take their members to the depths of the Abyss where secret powers could be wrested from the darkness, but this dangerous confrontation was not always endured.

-- By AlfredReadyman

Commentary, footnotes, disputes, refutations, addenda:

During my visit, it was clear that each of the main races of the DeepCourt had a different orientation to the AbyssalDeep. The Myriapodia seemed to think of it is some sort of opening to an ancestral dreamtime. The Mer mostly considered it dangerous, claiming that monsters issued from it and menaced the Sea Peoples. The Selkie seemed to think little of it, considering it an obsession of the other races.

-- by LilyQuillpot

I'm pretty sure AlfredReadyman was dreaming. The RaptureOfTheDeep plagues drylanders until they are well along with their WaterBreathingAdaptation. I mean, there are ancient myths that talk about things like that, and some of them are sung at the marriage ceremony. My guess is that some playful enchantress among the wedding party decided to give him a good show. Or maybe he saw into the Dreamtime. Stranger things have happened in the AbyssalDeep.

-- by PythiaTwentyThree

The border between what we dream and what is real is quite permeable. It is not in our ability to withstand the kind of pressure at the AbyssalDeep with our bodies, but our minds say 'Plumb those depths! Take the glow with us! How dare the Mer call us half-landers?'

-- by HalloaGrisau

I know it might be considered indicative of a rather weak adherence to scholarly pursuit but honestly the AbyssalDeep is frightfully dark and I have no interest in it.

-- by JuneLaveau

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(last edited September 4, 2014)
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