Front Page Arcadian

An Arcadian is a victor of the Arcadian Games, commonly held to be the pinnacle of human sportsmanship throughout the entirety of Erde. Historically begun in Edinburgh, capital of the Scottish Empire.

Competitors engage in games of sport or ability. Awards are typically given to the first, second and third place competitors in the form of gold, silver and pearl medals respectively. Much regard and economic sponsorship is given to winners of popular competitions.

Citizens of HighCourt have been known to secretly enter the Games for the purpose of self-accomplishment.


Comments, addenda, disputes, quibbles:

"Er, Scholar Halloa, you misunderstand, this person is famous for being the fastest runner of perhaps multiple worlds..they're at the pinnacle of sport." Ele explained in hasty clicks and tones.

"Yes, and will they gamble with me or not? Do they not have that in Erde?"

Ele split the difference between her obligation to translate honestly and to show Phoecenni culture in a good light. "They don't, scholar."

--by HalloaGrisau

Arcadians are awarded gold rings and I hear tell they hold magic that grants immortality. It only makes sense I suppose, the Erde wish the best of their best to live on.

I think they're wonderful; A tidy fortune can be made with a pittance of gold and an Arcadian crest.

-- by GithsemeTyar

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(last edited August 29, 2014)
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