Front Page UmberAlliance

I am not sure what the true role of the UmberAlliance is, there are so many rumors strung about. Whatever it is, I feel it has the potential to shift the structure of the HighCourt's ruling Circle, should it truly exist. Surprisingly I cannot find any threads of regionalism in this erstwhile conspiracy.

I find it strange that many who dismiss the rumors refer to the UmberAlliance as a 'mere knitting circle'. I mean, knitting is an intricate task of the patient, creates useful things, benefits the netmaker and the knotmaster to know, it just..

Ele whispers in Halloa's ear

Oh. Oh I see. How droll.

--by HalloaGrisau

Comments, additions, foul untruths, paranoias;

There's rumors of Umber agents even in the DeepCourt. I don't believe our Queens or King would be party to such a shadowy group but that doesn't mean they're immune to dry lander spying.

--by GithsemeTyar

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(last edited September 13, 2014)
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