Front Page VusetBafflu

VusetBafflu was a colleague of mine from my earliest days as a student. A dynamic intellect, xie commands respect in the circles of HaruspicineAlchemy, the SelkieBraid (despite being a full-throated Phoecenni), the Phoecenni histories, aeronautics, and any other study xie can get the time for. I myself have settled on history and politics alone.

Xie is getting on in years, quite like myself, and a new Headmixter must be found. Vuset isn't letting it take up all of xir time, though..I'll have to send a letter encouraging that to change.

-- HalloaGrisau

Comments, addenda, lies, chicanery, yes-ands;

I had Vuset on the Orca once as a 'honored guest'. Xie boasted that xie could sing 12 authentic SelkieBraid. I begged to differ and a wager was set. Me and mine, to my dismay, could not but judge xer to have spoken true. Xie was free to leave.

I don't plan to lose a ransom like that again dearies.

--by GithsemeTyar

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(last edited September 12, 2014)
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