Front Page WithwinTally

Founder of the HighGuard, and so, practically speaking, of the HighCourt itself, WithwinTally was a man of many parts: leader of soldiers, inspirer of the common folk, surveyor and aligner of the PlainOfTheLabyrinth?, tamer of MithrilEagles and inventor of ingenious devices, and not least, creator of the MeridianBalance which made sense of time and distance, allowing the HighCourt's administration to efficiently organize its activities.

The man was more than an enigma in his personal life; he was purely baffling. The records of his residences, visits, and connections are enough for any two or three people. There are at least two lines of Tally family descent, each going by McTally?, which claim the others are impostors. Fortunately their domains are far apart, and there have been sufficient cross-marriages to mollify or at least confuse the issue of who's the real McTally?.

-- By LilyQuillpot

Comments, suggestions, confusions, extensions, poetic slander, and McTally tallies:

I thought Withwin was a woman, but I'm easily mistaken in these sorts of things, I suppose. Actually, there are enough conflicting accounts that I have a theory; that WithwinTally happened to be two people using the same name and collaborating on the same highly impactful life.


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(last edited September 17, 2014)
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