Front Page MithrilEagle

Mithril Eagles are both an actual massive bird of prey historically tamed and ridden by humans and a design of aerial craft by AvaKordite. Both are a favorite of the HighGuard, but the living bird is more symbolic of a SkyKnight and practically a requirement for a formal dress event or royal post.

The birds are fast and nimble, the subject of much sentimentality, and if well trained and seasoned are like having a full partner in battle. They can also fly themselves if you happen to be injured or drunk. But they are voracious eaters, they can't be armored, and they need rest, taming and training.

The aircraft are fast and nimble, the subject of much sentimentality, and rigged to provide safety if a rider falls. They're armored, powered by chord magic and lofted by vessels of floating gas. They can hover or sail idly if out of fuel. But they require vigorous activity to steer and they're hard on the aviators.

The WyvernTower? hums with activity, perhaps working on a presentable version of the SteelDragons? for the LuftBaron.

--by HalloaGrisau

comments, addenda, braggartry, quibbles

The only true MithrilEagle is a feathered one, and dem the WyvernTower? for trying to build otherwise. A true SkyKnight rides a feathered mount, and if they cannot tame the beast then they are not worthy of the title.

Course, you handle your mount with care. I have lost two of my fingers, but Princess was only being friendly. Had I really upset her, then I would not have lived to tell the tale.

--by TobiasRavensong

I may have contributed to some confusion regarding the Mithril Eagles' nature. The LuftBaroness certainly modeled the aerodynamic qualities of her creation on the living birds, but then I wrote gave that lecture and the LordMilitant came to see me personally ... not something I'd like to repeat. In any case, Ava is going to rename her contraption shortly, and then hopefully TobiasRavensong will stop trying to choke me in the hallway.


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(last edited September 14, 2014)
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