Front Page ArchebellochTradingCompany

A Phoecenni business in the hereditary control of the Archebelloch family, the ATC maintains enough air and sailing ships, warehouses and fishing territories to count as its own de facto suzerainty. Ultimately the company answers to the DeepCourt, even if it is an entity of both worlds.

It employs all species, and bridges regional trade between the ocean and the air. The organization of its ships is testament to this, with each designed to carry flooded resting quarters as well as dry. The SkippingSunset? is the fleet's prized flagship, aerial, seaworthy and submarine.

ahem Not to mention their contributions to certain academic exploits, like the FloatingSchools.

--by HalloaGrisau

Commentary, footnotes, disputes, refutations, addenda:

Exquisite cuisine and unsurpassed first class cabin amenities. Unusual social customs and culinary restrictions. Would travel again, but should request appropriate accommodations for a personal liaison.

--by JuneLaveau

I travelled on their infernal SkippingSunset?, and never again, I tell you. Dem funny way to fly, if you ask me. Very bad for the indigestion! One minute we were drifting serenely through the clouds, and the next thing you know we dived under the water like a RainbowDolphin. Almost spilled my brandy, I did.

--by TobiasRavensong

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(last edited August 28, 2014)
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