Front Page EliuxDurant

Young Eliux has managed to carve out an unusually large role for xirselves at MerxomeHall? despite xir age and low social status.

There has been talk that the young scion of ArchebellochTradingCompany bears an inordinate appreciation of Eliux's physical gifts, but methinks that is actually simply the frantic scramblings of the nobility attempting to comprehend the actions of someone interested in meritocracy. Eliux is efficient and clever, regardless of xir humble origin in the ZebraAtoll.

The antagonistic relationship with my dear friend DeritriaEleven was unfortunate but perhaps inevitable. And will likely be tested again, since there are rumblings of the Shark's interest in disrupting the festivities planned for the GrandSummer ceremonies. After all, there won't be another for at least a decade.

-- By JuneLaveau

Commentary, footnotes, disputes, refutations, addenda:

I've heard xie only breathes water in xir sleep, and uses an air gill to what I definitely believe is excess. Still, to operate the warehousing and shipping of MerxomeHall? as well as the showcasing and sampling that xie is more famous for would be a feat for someone twice Eliux's age.

Mixter Durant is in the public eye more often than any humble clerk, and has turned to expensive clothes for confidence. Xie uses the same couturier as JusticeEuphretes and MarquisJackson, which may fuel the rumors of ehem self-promotion.

Much too independent for xir own good, would be my great criticism. A curse of the reliable.

-- by HalloaGrisau

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(last edited August 31, 2014)
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