Front Page MoonShadowWarriors

The denizens of the ThunderPeaks? and SmokingLake are crudely referred to as MoonShadowWarriors by both DeepCourt and HighCourt alike, although they refer to themselves as a word in their language that simply means, "The People." They were likely also the only natives of the region, but have long been unwelcome outside of the barely-habitable lands that they currently reside.

The successful eviction of the MoonShadowWarriors from the KestrelPeaks has a sanitized retelling in the NilloWixNight festivities. One night a year in HighCourt and UpperAdamant, children paint themselves silver and jump down on friends and elders while crying out "Alietru finlat!" They believe themselves to be shouting "Surrender, fools!" but ironically that phrase actually means, "Don't hurt us!" After a brief tussle, the adults will pin the silver-dressed child's hands behind their back and then say "Lightning and ash!" which means that the child should go bother someone else. A chilling display of colonial revisionism, but not uncommon following the events of 0 MB.

MeridianBalance was not for all citizens, evidently.

Today, the People are a territorial lot and keep to themselves. They are indeed known for constructing well-crafted individual Gliders with which they navigate the rough terrain. But trouble, of both HighCourt and DeepCourt in origin, are likely find them still though, particularly because of the quantity of MoonSilverPlatinum that they have in their possessions. Their weapons and tools were nearly all made of the substance until they realized how coveted the material could by (for JanusCoin and sixguns alike). Now they use it as a trade good and their fortunes are lifting somewhat.

-- June Laveau


For all their ugly Gliders, the MoonShadowWarriors are worthy foes. Their small gliders can be nigh invisible at night, and they are adept at weaving in and out of clouds during the day. Their dread ShadowDancers? are few, otherwise the SkyKnights would likely have a rebellion to deal with.

Let us be thankful for small mercies.

-- TobiasRavensong

The People are unusually tolerant of WaterBreathingAdaptation, which has allowed their ties to the DeepCourt to strengthen, giving them a way to balance against the inclination of drylanders to take advantage of them for the sake of their MoonSilverPlatinum.

-- PythiaTwentyThree

The MarquisJackson is said to employ a small troupe of MoonShadowWarriors for some purpose. I suspect it is aeronautical, though their knowledge of natural and preternatural beasts and WildHarvest is also proverbial.

-- AlfredReadyman

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(last edited September 18, 2014)
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